Some Interesting Facts About Piedmont (CA)

Piedmont can be described as a small, beautiful and mostly-residential place in Alameda County

Some Interesting Facts About Piedmont (CA)

Some Interesting Facts About Piedmont (CA)

Piedmont can be described as a small, beautiful and mostly-residential place in Alameda County, California. According to the nexus report of the 1st July 2016, the city of Piedmont has a population of 10.965 people. The word “Piedmont” is an Italian word that means foothill. The city covers a land area of 1.7 sq miles and the water area is 0 sq miles. The elevation from the sea level is 331 feet that justifies its name. Here are some more interesting facts about Piedmont (CA)

City Boundary and Time Zone

The City of Piedmont holds Census Class Code (C1). It means the Piedmont is a place that is not serving as county subdivision. It is also has a working government that provides basic facilities. The City has own fire squad, police force, but strangely doesn’t have a separate public library or post office. It shares those services with the Oakland.

Housing and Business Facts

The commercial housing Piedmont is considerably low compared to the cities of its kind. The houses are mostly for single family. It also doesn’t have many business houses and this is why it is better to call it a residential city. The Piedmont City has quite a few parks and the numbers of parks can be considered high compared to the actual size of the city. Most of these parks are very beautiful and one can have a great time there. “Movies in the Park” is considered as one of the biggest events in the town.

Education at Piedmont

The city has three elementary schools and one middle school and two high schools. The largest school is undoubtedly the Piedmont High School. A Good thing is most of the high school graduates from Piedmont High are currently studying in reputed universities. The voters in Piedmont are very caring about the education system and they have voted for many pro-education amends to help the growth of education.
